2019 Water Quality Report - Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)


Information from last record year for our surface water here in San Augustine.

We have had issues with Trihalomethanes (TTHM) which is a byproduct of disinfection with Chlorine. This is a low risk (very low) over long periods of time, and it is why you have seen billing inserts if you are a customer. We had some slightly elevated numbers at our test points over the last few quarters, but as of now we think we have remedied the issue with actions in the processing plant. You can see a previous news item about it within the "News" tab on the site. (https://www.cityofsanaugustinetx.gov/publicworks/page/mandatory-public-r...)

A problem we always have is the test sites are at little used sites at the extreme ends of the system. Since they are not used the TTHM, which is a time based problem, builds up there and make us look bad on paper. The ball field is one point which is at the end of a long run of pipe with little flow. Despite efforts to flush it, sometimes the numbers are high there. The other site is a similar issue.

We hosted a Q&A last year to field questions after a Council meeting, but no one came. If you want to know something call us at 275-2121 or email to info@cityofsanaugustinetx.gov.