Road Closed Sign

Street Closure

Intersection of on the south side of south harrison street and market street


The culvert near the North entrance to City Hall that is located just South of the intersection of South Harrison and Market has developed a sinkhole. We are currently in the process of contacting an Engineer to access the problem so it can be repaired.

This will be a lengthy process to figure out what needs to be done even before the process of repairs can begin. No timeline can be provided as to when this section of the street will reopen.

Remember that utility bill payments can be taken by our banking partner Commercial Bank of Texas both in the lobby and the drive thru.

If you have business that needs to be attended to at City Hall the parking lot can be entered on the back side of the office off of Market Street from Montgomery; coming down N. Harrison and turning off of the North side of the intersection or by coming down South Harrison off of Planters Street and turning in the first drive. This drive is steep so take care in not dragging the bottom of your vehicle.

We are aware this will cause a inconvenience, but the safety our citizens that travel this location is at the upmost importance at this time.

When more details can be provided they will be.

All other notifications will be on our website with a link provided on the Facebook Page.