Laurel Wilt US Forest Service Pest Alert

Laurel Wilt

Attention landowners of Sabine, Shelby, & San Augustine Counties, this is the time of year when you could see the effects of Laurel Wilt on your Sassafras trees. Laurel Wilt is caused by a fungus that is carried by an insect, the redbay ambrosia beetle. These organisms are native to Asia and are invasive pests in North America. They can easily be transported across counties by movement of infested wood products and firewood. Please do not move any firewood products across county lines to help slow and prevent the spread of Laurel Wilt in east Texas. If you notice your Sassafras trees suddenly dying or would like more information please call or email the Texas A&M Forest Service District Forester, Austin Morrison, in San Augustine at (979) 450-0893 or For local updates please visit the San Augustine District Twitter page @TFSSanAugustine.