Mayor Hughes Proclamation lifting the City Shelter in Place Order

Mayor Hughes has signed a proclamation lifting the City's Adoption of the County Shelter in Place Order which took place on April 1, 2020. From now on, unless other orders become necessary, we will only adhere to current orders issued by the Governor of the State of Texas relative to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new order lifting the order is effective at 11:59 tonight. The Proclamation is executed under authority granted to the Mayor by the City Council at the Called Meeting on April 7, 2020. It references the County Order which we had adopted.

Please continue to practice careful behavior including social distancing, wearing of protective masks and avoidance large groups (10 or more). Remember the masks are more for consideration of others than self protection. Please wear them when in public places around others.

City Hall will re-open next Monday, May 4. We have only a small lobby, so only one customer will be allowed inside at a any one time. Face masks are mandatory for entry.